What is Potassium?
Sometimes referred to as an electrolyte, potassium is a naturally-occurring mineral and key nutrient for good health. Your nerves and muscles need it to function properly. It supports digestive and kidney health, regulates blood pressure and helps build strong bones. [1] It’s especially important for your heart, too. [2]

If you’re healthy, your body is generally able to keep potassium levels where they should be. Some conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and alcoholism can disrupt this balance http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=33887. Illnesses accompanied by conditions like diarrhea and vomiting can also upset potassium balance. Some drugs, like ACE inhibitors and ARBs, can throw off your body’s ability to regulate potassium and lead to high potassium levels.
Low potassium is a condition called hypokalemia. Too much potassium, or hyperkalemia, leads to high potassium levels, which has similar symptoms as hypokalemia — weakness, fatigue, and even heart arrhythmias in extreme cases. Hyperkalemia often starts with gastrointestinal problems.
The USDA recommends adults get 4,700 mg of potassium daily. According to the World Health Organization, most people around the world, including the United States, don’t get enough.[3] So, to help make sure you’re on track to adequate potassium in your diet, here’s a list of 10 foods rich in this important nutrient.
Foods High in Potassium
1. Avocado
Often referred to as a vegetable, the avocado http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33332 is actually a single-seeded berry that is jam-packed with nutritional benefits. It delivers some of the highest amounts of potassium you’ll find anywhere at around 708.1 mg per cup, or about one serving. Plus, it’s loaded with the ‘healthy’ fats, the powerful antioxidant vitamin E, B vitamins, and it’s low in sugar.
2. Coconut Water
It’s not just the coconut meat that makes the coconut a healthy food http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33541. A cup of coconut water, the liquid inside the coconut, provides 575 mg of potassium, and it contains enzymes that stimulate your metabolism. It also contains magnesium, zinc, and iron that help regulate immune function and energy.
3. Crimini Mushrooms
You can consume 640 mg of potassium in only five ounces of crimini mushrooms. These mushrooms are also an excellent source of vitamin B12, minerals like selenium and antioxidants. When cooking, try lightly sauteing crimini mushrooms to preserve flavor and nutrients.
4. Banana
The banana, also known as Musa acuminate colla, is well known as a top source of potassium. Athletes have a reputation of eating bananas to get an immediate energy boost and to recover from workouts. One medium-sized banana should offer about 360 mg of potassium.
5. Acorn Squash
This versatile winter squash makes excellent soups, pastas, and pies with its sweet and nutty flavor. In addition to 486 mg of potassium for every cup of the cooked squash (about one serving), you also get a dose of vitamins A and C to support healthy skin, eyes, and hair.
6. Sweet Potato
The sweet potato is one of the ultimate health foods. It has 448 mg of potassium per cup and B vitamins that help support a healthy metabolism. It’s also loaded with vitamins A and C, as well as magnesium http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=33111 to support muscle function. Sweet potatoes also contains an enzyme called amylase http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=33725 that encourage normal blood sugar.
7. Potato
The baked potato makes for a simple and easy side with any meal. And, if you eat a medium sized potato with the skin (make sure to clean it well first), you’ll consume 926 mg of potassium. That’s about 20% of the daily recommended value.
8. Prunes
These dried, pitted plums have a reputation as a digestive aid and they’re also a great source of potassium with 528 mg per serving. They also contain zeaxanthin, a beneficial carotenoid.
9. Raisins
With one-half cup of raisins (roughly a handful), you can consume about 600 mg of potassium or 12% of your recommended daily value. Raisins also contain the potent antioxidant resveratrol http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=32799 that helps to control cholesterol [4], reduce inflammation [5], and may have protective properties against cancer. [6]
10. Spinach
In a ½ cup serving of spinach, you can get 420 mg of potassium plus iron, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A and C. Spinach also contains vitamin K that plays an essential role in bone health and antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. Try it sautéd in olive oil just until the leaves wilt.
Health Benefits of Potassium
You might not immediately notice if your potassium levels are low. The earliest symptoms can be as simple and non-specific as cramping muscles, fatigue, constipationhttp://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=33802, or bloating. Symptoms like these may seem like only a minor nuisance, but can mask more serious health concerns. If they move on to more advanced symptoms like heart palpitations and feelings of depression or confusion, that should raise a red flag.
Studies report that normal potassium levels have a positive effect on blood pressure. [3] Researchers also believe that adequate potassium can be a factor in protecting against cardiovascular diseases and stroke. [7]
Potassium supports bone health. [8] A study of 266 elderly women found those with stronger bones and better bone density had higher levels of potassium. The researchers suggested increasing potassium intake could play an important role in preventing osteoporosis. [8]
Eating potassium-rich foods is the best and easiest way to address low potassium levels. If you’ve seen your doctor for symptoms like these or you have a condition that increases your risk of low potassium, you may need to take a supplement.
Potassium Supplements
If you believe you’re not be getting enough potassium in your diet, start eating more of these potassium-rich foods and see if you notice any changes. While high potassium is rare, you don’t want to overdo it.
If adding these foods to your diet doesn’t help, speak with your doctor about whether a supplement could be the right course of action. As with any supplement, you’ll want the most bioavailable form you can get. As you restore your potassium levels to where they should be, you’ll find yourself with more energy, fewer aches and muscle soreness, and a clear mind.
I personally recommend potassium orotate http://bit.ly/potassium-orotate. It contains a form of potassium your body can make the most of. One of the components to good health is reaching a state of balance within your body. Potassium orotate is designed to help.
What’s your experience with potassium? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
1. MedlinePlus Trusted Health Information for You. Potassium https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/potassium.html.
2. He FJ1, MacGregor GA. Beneficial effects of potassium on human health http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18724413. Physiol Plant. 2008 Aug;133(4):725-35.
3. WHO. Guideline: Potassium intake for adults and children http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/guidelines/potassium_intake_printversion.pdf. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2012.
4. Riccioni G, Gammone MA, Tettamanti G, Bergante S, Pluchinotta FR, D’Orazio N.Resveratrol and anti-atherogenic effects http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26306466. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2015;66(6):603-10.
5. Mishra V, Shuai B, Kodali M, Shetty GA, Hattiangady B, Rao X, Shetty AK. Resveratrol Treatment after Status Epilepticus Restrains Neurodegeneration and Abnormal Neurogenesis with Suppression of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26639668. Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 7;5:17807.
6. Brown K, Rufini A. New concepts and challenges in the clinical translation of cancer preventive therapies: the role of pharmacodynamic biomarkershttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26635905%E2%80%9D. Ecancermedicalscience. 2015 Nov 24;9:601.
7. Young DB1, Lin H, McCabe RD. Potassium’s cardiovascular protective mechanisms http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7733391. Am J Physiol. 1995 Apr;268(4 Pt 2):R825-37.
8. Zhu K1, Devine A, Prince RL. The effects of high potassium consumption on bone mineral density in a prospective cohort study of elderly postmenopausal womenhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18575949. Osteoporos Int. 2009 Feb;20(2):335-40. doi: 10.1007/s00198-008-0666-3. Epub 2008 Jun 25.
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From psych drugs to GMOs: How fraudulent science is run by corporations that profit from selling poisons

The hijacking of modern science by corporations hellbent on profiting at the expense of public health is no more evident than in published scientific literature. There, you'll find all sorts of papers claiming that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are safe, chemicals are good for you and pharmaceuticals drugs are the only medicine worth takinghttp://www.medicine.news/ — but how much of all these information are actually valid?
Back in September, it was revealed that British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) doctored studies to promote its popular drug Paxil as a treatment for depression. It turns out this drug isn't safe or effective in any way, and yet millions of young teens and children have been prescribed this mind-altering medication under the illusion that it might help them overcome mental abnormalities.
Not only were these papers exposed as fraudulent, but major news outlets like The New York Times (NYT) are reporting that they actually demonstrated the exact opposite of what their authors claimed at the time. How can this be when papers of this type are run through the peer-review process prior to publishing?
As we reported back in 2014, some 60 papers that appeared to have passed the peer-review process were pulled from an international journal after it was revealed that they had all been illicitly approved by phony reviewers. Once again, an invisible hand had apparently set up a phony peer-review ring to ramrod these papers through the system to promote ideas or products that favor certain industries.
There's also the painkiller fiasco of 2009, in which it was uncovered that some 21 peer-reviewed studies favoring high-profile drugs like Pfizer's Bextra, Lyrica and Celebrex; Wyeth's antidepressant drug Effexor XR; and Merck's Vioxx had been completely fabricated. Scott C. Reuben, the former chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Massachusetts, reportedly altered data to support these drugs, but all of it was a sham.
The crime was so bad in this instance that the editor-in-chief of the journal Anesthesia and Analgesia admitted to Anesthesiology News that he's not even sure his own field properly understands how these drugs actually work. Here's what he stated, as quoted by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ):
"We are left with a large hole in our understanding of this field. There are substantial tendrils from this body of work that reach throughout the discipline of postoperative pain management."
"Science" is a biased endeavor that pushes the agendas of its proprietors
In other words, the field of anesthesiology has been relying on phony science for decades to treat patients. And now that it's been fully revealed that this science is phony, those who've been using it to establish standard practices are at a loss as to whether or not what they've been doing is safe or effective for patients.
This is an endemic problem within many fields of science, whether we're talking about pharmaceuticals, GMOs, crop pesticides, global warming (climate changehttp://climatechange.fetch.news/) or various other areas of medicine. The stacking of science in favor of the industries creating it isn't an anomaly, it seems — it's actually the norm!
Here's what Jonathon Porritt, writing for The Guardian (U.K.), wrote back in 2000 about the nature of what he describes as bought-and-paid-for science, and how it's corrupting the integrity of what society sees as substantiated truth:
"People's suspicions today are stronger than they've ever been, and with good reason, given that such a huge percentage of scientists are now paid by private or public sector employers who often have little interest in open scientific debate ... As is now widely recognised, science is socially constructed by all sorts of rules, peer group pressures, personal values and expectations. Even that reassuring notion of 'sound science' is often shaped by prior social commitments framing the nature and boundaries of the issue under consideration."
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Home Remedy For Acne and Acne Scars – Ozonated Olive Oil
Although acne may be relatively harmless, the stress that comes with pimples is not. Acne may be known as a teenage affliction, but the fact is 40-50 million Americans suffer from this skin condition at any given time. [1] That’s teenagers, young adults, middle-aged men and women, and even babies (“baby acne” is very common in newborns). Chemical formulations can be of help, but these medications often interfere with hormonal function. Fortunately, many organic skin care products can get rid of pimples and acne scars without you having to develop a heavy toxic burden. Let’s take a look at these natural alternatives.

Causes of Acne
Acne includes anything from blackheads and whiteheads to pustules and cysts. It starts when a pore in your skin gets clogged. If bacteria gets trapped below the blockage, your skin swells, turns into a pink or red spot, and then becomes sensitive. It doesn’t take long before it becomes a whitehead. If it goes deep enough, it can become a cyst. Check out this video of causes and possible solutions to acne.
Why do pores get clogged? The simple answer is dead cells accumulate and trap sebum — the oil your skin produces to stay moisturized. There are, however, other factors that play a role.
Acne often appears at times in your life when you undergo hormonal shifts, like birth, adolescence, and middle age. That’s because hormones adjust sebum production and your skin may produce more oil. Sugary and fatty foods can play a role as they also affect your hormones. You may have heard that you should avoid chocolatehttp://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33069 or candy to prevent acne. Keep in mind your skin is also an exit path for toxins, so if you’re carrying a heavy toxin load you can be at a higher risk for a disruption to your skin’s natural oil production.
Natural Remedies for Acne
When it comes to acne, it seems you’re advised to deal with it or use harsh chemicals that burn and irritate your skin even more. You don’t need to do that, because there are a number of natural remedies that can produce great results. Keep in mind that everyone’s skin is different, so you may need to try a couple before you find the one that works for you. For the best effect with any of these home remedies, first apply a warm water compress to your face with a towel to encourage your pores to open.
Tea Tree Oil
Also known as melaleuca oil, tea tree oil clears away bacteria, thereby reducing redness and swelling and cleans out pores.
Lemon Juice http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=33580
Ascorbic acid kills acne-causing bacteria and helps the skin exfoliate and shed those dead skin cells that clog pores, making your skin smooth. It has astringent properties which dries the skin of excess oil, and its antioxidant properties keep your skin healthy.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Here’s another popular home acne remedy that kills bacteria, dries up excess oil, and balances your skin’s pH.
Olive oil
A light application of olive oil http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=33145 delivers vitamins and antioxidantshttp://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=32801 that help your skin regulate oil production, discourages bacterial growth, and reduces infection and swelling.
Get Rid of Acne Scars
Sometimes acne leaves behind faint marks or scars where the acne appeared. Try these popular skin remedies to encourage your skin to heal.
Cocoa Butter
Loaded with fatty acids, it moisturizes and penetrates into your dermis, the deeper second layer of skin, where it nourishes and supports smooth skin.
Vitamin E Oil
Natural skin oils often contain vitamin E to heal and protect your skin. It helps reduce swelling and protects from free radicals and UV rays. Apply to the areas with acne scars, let absorb for 15 minutes, then rinse.
Turmeric and Mint
The antioxidant and soothing properties of turmeric can help keep your skin clean and encourage healing http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=32314. Mint also helps soothe swollen skin, calms nerves to reduce pain and itchiness, and encourages healing. Combine the two in a blender to create a paste and apply to the acne.
Aloe Vera
What list wouldn’t be complete without Aloe Vera? http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33223 This natural skin mender moisturizes and nourishes to heal acne scars quickly http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=33159. Use the juice from a fresh cut aloe vera leaf, or use natural, organic aloe vera juice.

O2-Zap® for Acne and Acne Scars
A simple acne solution for every skin type is an ozonated olive oil like O2-Zap http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=30727. This salve cleanses, helps remove harmful toxins and free radicals, moisturizes, calms skin http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=33287, and reduces redness and swelling. Korean researchers have found it’s more effective than olive oil alone. [2] The oxygen delivered by ozonated ointments improves circulation and stimulates cell recovery for faster healing. [3]
That’s what science says about ozonated olive oil http://bit.ly/OzonatedOliveOil, but here’s what my customers said about their experience with O2-Zap ozonated olive oil:
“I have acne on my cheeks pretty bad and this has lessened it dramatically.” – Miranda
“I use this 2-3 times a week, and it has really improved my skin.” – Zach Carp

Have you experienced the positive benefits of Ozonated Olive Oil http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=32416 or other natural skin remedies for acne?http://www.dreddyclinic.com/findinformation/aa/acne.php Share your experience with the community below.
1. American Academy of Dermatology. Acne: Who gets and causes https://www.aad.org/dermatology-a-to-z/diseases-and-treatments/a---d/acne/who-gets-causes. American Academy of Dermatology.
2. Kim HS1, Noh SU, Han YW, et al. Therapeutic effects of topical application of ozone on acute cutaneous wound healing http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19543419. J Korean Med Sci. 2009 Jun;24(3):368-74. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2009.24.3.368.
3. Travagli V, Zanardi I, Valacchi G, Bocci V. Ozone and Ozonated Oils in Skin Diseases: A Review http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2910505/. Mediators of Inflammation. 2010;2010:610418. doi:10.1155/2010/610418.
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Why is exercise equipment suddenly killing people and beating up Harry Reid?

It seems as though exercise equipment has suddenly become very dangerous -- deadly, even -- as evidenced by two high-profile equipment "accidents" in recent months.
Just days ago, reports that tech CEO Dave Goldberg of SurveyMonkey had died suddenly in Mexico shocked millions of people, especially those in the IT industry.
As reported by The Associated Press, initially the cause of Goldberg's death was a mystery, but eventually Mexican authorities revealed that he had apparently died from a blow to the back of his head that he sustained while working out on a treadmill.
The AP noted:
The official said he left his room at about 4 p.m. to exercise, and family members went to look for him after he didn't return. He was found at about 6:30 p.m. in one of the resort's gymnasiums lying by a treadmill in a pool of blood, with a blow to the lower back of his head. He apparently had slipped on the treadmill and hit the machine, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak to the press
Dearth of information leads to much speculation
Goldberg was vacationing at the resort with his wife, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, and their two children.
The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/05/technology/dave-goldberg-cause-of-death.html?smid=tw-nytimesbusiness&_r=0 further reported that Goldberg, 47, was vacationing with family and friends at a private beach-front villa near the Four Seasons Resort in Punta Mita, an area of large development featuring two hotels and several private residences close to Puerto Villarta, in the country's southwest.
The Times further reported that John O'Sullivan, head of the Four Seasons Punta Mita, said no incident had occurred in any of the areas of the resort managed by the company.
The initial shock of Goldberg's death, along with an initial dearth of information, led many to speculate that perhaps there might have been foul play or some other explanation other than he simply fell off exercise equipment that he normally uses.
Penelope Trunk, an entrepreneur and "geek feminist" openly wrote in her blog that she believes Goldberg killed himself:
First of all, let me say that I feel really bad for everyone who is losing Dave Goldberg in their life. ...
I don't have any evidence that it was a suicide. All I have is someone notable died and no one is saying how. And however Sheryl's husband died is news, since she has been news for three years telling women their husband is instrumental into the process of Leaning In.
But really, I just want to know how Dave died. Because I think he killed himself. And if he did, this might tells us a lot about what happens when both people in marriage Lean In.
What happened to Harry Reid?
Lean In is a book co-written by Sandberg and Nell Scovell, a TV and magazine writer, about how women should be given more corporate leadership roles.
Breitbart News reported that an anonymous source told Forbes online that more information about Goldberg's death would be made available soon.
His story seems to dovetail into a similar episode involving U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada.
According to reports, Reid says he was severely injured on New Year's Day when elastic bands he was using to exercise with broke, striking him in his right eye. But his story changed several times, as compiled by The Daily Sheeple, leading many to speculate that Reid actually got beat up, perhaps by his alcoholic brother, Larry.
Whatever the case, Reid has since decided that it is time to retire from the Senate -- after losing his majority leader status last November, after 30 years in that office, after being involved in a federal invasion of the Bundy ranch, and after suffering a beating from "exercise equipment."
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