Our Philosophy Behind Aloe Fuzion™
It is our goal to create the best, natural health products and supplements and I’m excited about our latest creation — Aloe Fuzion. Aloe Fuzion is 100% organic inner leaf aloe powder encapsulated in vegetarian capsules. It truly is the gold standard for aloe vera supplements.

The self-healing mechanisms the human body possesses are nothing short of incredible, especially with proper nutrition. Aloe Fuzion supports these processes by harnessing the nutritional benefits of aloe vera http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=34550.
Purifying the body is a pillar of our philosophy here at DrEddyClinic. Aloe vera promotes natural detoxification of both the digestive and circulatory systems.[1] Unhampered digestion makes it so your body can better absorb nutrients. As nutrient absorption accelerates, circulation improves and provides more oxygen-rich blood to cells. Well-oxygenated cells help strengthen your immune system.[2]
Aloe Fuzion: Benefits of Aloe Vera
Around the world http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=35177, aloe is known to offer a variety of health benefits, both external and internal. Aloe vera has a well-deserved reputation as a topical remedy for burns, small cuts, and other skin injuries. In the U.S., aloe vera is a popular way to soothe a sunburn. Aloe Fuzion takes full advantage of these and other powerful capabilities of aloe.
Aloe Vera Nutrition: What Makes Aloe Fuzion More Effective?
There are a number of ways you can take aloe — juices, lotions, balms, powders… you can even consume the pulped leaf of the plant. Of the many options, I find aloe capsules to be the most convenient. Juices are bulky, need refrigeration, and usually contain sugar and preservatives. It’s probably not a good idea to consume most lotions and the raw leaf tastes very bitter.
Aloe Fuzion is made with bioavailable, organic, inner leaf aloe powder to provide the highest amount of acemannan available anywhere. Acemannan is the main, active compoundhttp://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=35068 that supports the immune system and gut health. Aloe Fuzion is also 100% free of aloin, a compound found in aloe that can produce a harsh, laxative effect.

Aloe Fuzion: Our Commitment to Excellence
We began developing Aloe Fuzion with the goal of concentrating aloe vera’s nutrients into a potent, easy-to-take capsule. Not only have we created the most convenient aloe supplement, but the strongest and most effective.
Aloe Fuzion is a product of superior quality and even inspired our new logo; the entire process reaffirmed our commitment to delivering the highest quality products for healthy living. I’m excited to introduce Aloe Fuzion and encourage you to click here to learn more about our incredible aloe vera producthttp://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=35168.
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
1. not allowed IE. The Genus Aloe: Phytochemistry and Therapeutic Uses Including Treatments for Gastrointestinal Conditions and Chronic Inflammationhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26462368. Prog Drug Res. 2015;70:179-235.
2. James B. LaValle, Stacy Lundin Yale. Cracking the Metabolic Code: The Nine Keys to Peak Health https://books.google.com/books?id=zzDE_fraj8IC&pg=PA373&lpg=PA373&dq=how+the+body+uses+oxygen&source=bl&ots=kN-EPP_Cdu&sig=2gcsWQzBXPOfTUL-FFN64PSMumA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig_4KE8pXKAhUCwmMKHR4rCAQ4FBDoAQg4MAU#v=onepage&q=how%20the%20body%20uses%20oxygen&f=false. Basic Health Publications, Inc., 2004.
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What are the most addictive foods in the world?
Most of us wake up every morning with a commitment to getting healthy and losing some extra pounds. We all promise ourselves that we'll have a salad instead of a pizza, some fruit instead of chocolate, and a nice piece of salmon for dinner. Our resolve is normally fine for the morning – but by the afternoon, the intense longing for some unhealthy foodhttp://www.frankenfoods.news/ kicks in.

The problem with unhealthy food is that you crave it because it's addictive. When you're stressed, having a bad day at work, or just feeling a little low, some chocolate is all you want to make you feel better http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=4906. Emerging science shows that food addiction is a real thing that not only leads to weight gain, but also causes genuine changes in your brain that mimic the same affects as an alcohol or drug addiction.
How food addiction works
Food addiction makes pathological eating a little more complicated than lack of self-control and will power. As reported by the Poliquin Group, studies into the neurophysiology of addiction show that addictive substances have the following three traits:
1. "They are rarely in their natural state," and have most commonly been processed in some way to increase their addictive potential. "For example, grapes are processed into wine and poppies are processed into opium." Those are extreme examples, however something similar occurs as we process food and intensely refine it to create our most addictive foodshttp://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=34676.
2. "They provide a higher concentration of the additive agent than occurs in nature." This increased potency increases the potential for addiction. The addition of "man-made" fat and refined carbs increases the dose of these ingredients beyond what you would find in natural whole foods such as fruits and nuts.
3. "They are altered to increase the rate at which the addictive agent is absorbed into the bloodstream." Compared with naturally occurring foods, highly processed foods are rapidly digested and induce a blood sugar http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=32513 spike. This rise in glucose levels causes activation of areas of the brain that are involved with addiction. The sugar spike means that once the glucose levels decrease, you crave more sugar and feel tired without it.
When you eat an addictive food, the blood sugar spike makes you feel good. Dopamine and opioid receptors in the brain are activated, which triggers a feel-good sensation in the same way that alcohol and drugs do.
Bingeing on sugar increases dopamine, while bingeing on fat-rich foods http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=18 avoids the opiate-like withdrawal that occurs in response to foods that are high in sugar but lack fat. This means that foods which are high in fat and sugar affect the opioid system in the brain to make these foods even more addicting.
The most addictive foods
A recent study has compiled a list of the most addictive foods and analyzed them to identify the factors that contribute to obsessive eating. A key discovery of the study was that without exposure to an addictive food, a person vulnerable to bingeing would not develop an addiction.
This means that your first line of defense against food addiction [url]http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=17/url] is to avoid "trigger" foods. The next step is to make sure you have healthy, satisfying foods handy that you can turn to instead.
The most addictive foods are:
Pizza – its quickly digested, lacks protein or fiber, and has little effect on satiety.
Chocolate – killer combination of processed fat and sugar, unless you choose the healthier dark chocolate options.
Chips – spike blood sugar and are packed with processed fat.
Cookies – fat and sugar combination that is highly addictive.
Ice cream – high in calories and fat that create a calorie imbalance.
French fries – tossed in salt or dipped in high-fructose corn syrup.
Cheeseburger – processed carbs, saturated fat and sodium.
Regular soda – liquid so has no effect on hunger but is full of sugar.
Cake – one of the most refined foods with processed flour, sugar and fats.
Cheese – easy to over-indulge, and mostly served with a refined carbohydrate.
The good news is there are healthy, great tasting alternatives to these foods, that will leave you feeling fuller for longer, and won't cause devastating sugar spikes!
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EU alarmed over high levels of toxic arsenic in brand-name cereals
The European Union (EU) is making great strides to clean up the food supply. One of the toxic elements they are now seeking to limit is arsenic. The most infamous place to find arsenic is in rice products, since rice readily takes up arsenic from the soil and water that its grown in. When EU regulators tested brand-name rice cereals, the results were telling. The general population has been consuming excessive amounts of arsenic in basic brand-name cereals, many of which are adored by kids.

Products like Kellogg's Rice Krispies and Heinz Smooth Baby Rice far exceeded the new EU arsenic limits. In fact, 58 percent of cereals tested exceeded the new arsenic limit for babies and children.
Over half of rice-based cereal for children exceed new EU arsenic limits
Arsenic's toxicity is linked to heart disease, skin, bladder and lung cancers. It doesn't matter if people eat organic rice products or non-organic; either kind could contain high levels of arsenic. It comes down to the quality of water and soil the rice is grown in. Government bodies generally have limited resources to check food products for toxic elements like arsenic, but that is all changing, especially in the European Union. Channel 4 Dispatches tested a slew of rice cereals in Great Britain and found that over half of them contained unhealthy levels of arsenic. The new regulations are set to take hold in summer 2015 as part of a new Food Standards Agency initiative. If products don't meet the new standards, they are to be removed from stores until they test in compliance.

Basmati rice from India was the cleanest in terms of arsenic content
While short-term, low-dose exposure to arsenic is not immediately detrimental, it's the long-term exposure that should have people concerned. To top it off, people in Britain consume on average five times more rice today than they did 40 years ago. In some places in the world, rice is a staple crop, eaten daily.
The new EU arsenic standards promise to keep arsenic levels below 200 parts per billion for adult rice products. When different types of rice were tested from around the world, the results varied, with red rice from France containing the highest levels of arsenic -- 310 ppb. Italian brown rice contained 160 ppb on average, but basmati rice from India was the cleanest, measuring only 40 ppb arsenic.
Organic baby cereals contaminated with high levels of inorganic arsenic, the most dangerous form
The limit for children's http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=41 rice products is stricter -- not to exceed 100 parts per billion. According to the US FDA, the form of arsenic most detrimental to one's health in the long run is inorganic arsenic. The EU arsenic tests found that Kellogg's Rice Krispies and Kallo Organic Puffed Rice Cereal contain a high concentration of the more dangerous inorganic arsenic. These products were tested several times; each test showed inorganic arsenic exceeding limits by far.
Kallo Foods' Organic Puffed Rice Cereal contained 323 parts of arsenic per billion! Another baby rice product called organic http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33430 wholegrain baby rice by Organix exceeded standards, reaching levels as high as 268 ppb.
Kellogg's Rice Krispies measured well over the limits set for children too, clocking in at 188 ppb. Baby Organic Rice Cakes by Boots hit 162 ppb while Organic Wholegrain Banana Porridge by Organix peaked at 142 ppb arsenic.
Cleaning up arsenic in the food supply is more important than economics
Some think that the arsenic limits are too strict and could hurt businesses and the economy, but Andrew Meharg, professor of Biological Sciences at Queen's University Belfast, thinks the limits are actually lenient. He said, "The European Union http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=117&t=34650 is going to set standards for arsenichttp://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=32333 levels in baby rice at 100 parts per billion. To my estimation that is far too high. It should be at least half that."
The bottom line should always be about preserving human health and increasing food safety -- not putting extra pennies in the pockets of business owners and their shareholders. Thankfully, groups like the Rice Association in the UK "welcome" the initiative to establish new arsenic limits in rice. The three companies with the highest arsenic levels, Boots, Organix and Kellogg's, also want to take the safety of their products seriously. The balance between preserving big business and protecting consumer health teeters, but looking around today, with cancer rates spiking, it's never been more important to protect consumer health.
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Rising food costs spur massive US theft of produce, meat
Forget diamonds and cash. Rapid inflation and the tanking US economy have birthed a whole new wave of organized crime involving food. The New York Times (NYT) reports that a group of highly-sophisticated scam artists recently pulled off a massive food heist involving eight tractor-trailer loads full of produce and meat, all worth roughly $300,000.

The food theft was no ordinary theft, either. According to reports, the mystery thieves carefully planned the hijacking to coincide with high-priced tomatoes and other produce items that have seen heavy inflation in recent months. And instead of merely stealing the truckloads, the masterminds actually sent their own imposter trucks to pick up the loads, and pretended to deliver them to various intended destinations.
"I've never experienced people targeting produce loads before," said Shaun Leiker, an assistant manager at Allen Lund, a trucking broker from Florida who has seen numerous cargo thefts, to NYT. "It's a little different than selling TVs off the back of your truck."
Leiker's reasoning, of course, makes sense under normal economic conditions. But with massive unemployment, food shortages, and inflation, food has become a new high-value commodity that criminals appear to be increasingly targeting. And as food prices continue to rise, some authorities worry that food crimes will only escalate further.
Reports say the thieves actually created their own shipping company named E&A Transport Express, registered it with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and directly booked the pickups through a brokerage so that everything would appear legitimate.

"This was definitely a smart organization," said Clifford Holland, owner of Old North State, a transportation brokerage that was hit by the theft, to the NYT. "It was like a snake in the grass and they struck."
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ANALYSIS: Chipotle is a victim of corporate sabotage...
After observing recent events involving Chipotle and e.coli, here's my analysis of the situation: Chipotle's e.coli outbreaks are not random chance. They are the result of the biotech industry unleashing bioterrorism attacks against the only fast food company that has publicly denounced GMOs http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=31410.

How do we know? The CDC has already admitted that some of these e.coli outbreaks involve a "rare genetic strain" of e.coli not normally seen in foods. Furthermore, we also know the track record of the biotech industry engaging in the most criminal, dirty, sleazebag tactics imaginable against any person or company that speaks out against GMOs.
Doctor Oz, for example, was maliciously targeted in a defamation campaign funded by the biotech industry earlier this year. The onslaught against Oz was initiated because he publicly expressed his support for honest GMO labeling on foods.
As the attacks escalated, Doctor Oz had his own team investigate the source of the attacks and found they were all biotech industry shills, some with felony criminal records and long histories of dubious propaganda activities http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=117&t=32656 targeting anti-GMO activists.
GMO industry routinely resorts to tactics that resemble terrorism or criminal mafias
As a clean food advocate myself, I know firsthand of the malicious tactics used by these biotech mafia operations, including tactics of intimidation and terrorism, such as calling in bomb threats to locations where clean food activists are about to speak.
There is absolutely no question that the biotech industry will resort to ANY activity necessary to destroy food companies that oppose GMOs. And yes, this includes acts of bioterrorism against Chipotle -- something that's ridiculously easy for biotech industry operatives to carry out with simple, low-cost laboratory supplies sold online at places like Amazon.com.
In my HealthRangerReport.com podcast http://healthrangerreport.com/chipotle-a-victim-of-corporate-sabotage-from-the-biotech-industry, shown below, I am now openly encouraging Chipotle's management to initiate a criminal investigation with the FBI to attempt to identify the sources of this corporate sabotage campaign.
To be clear, what's really happening at Chipotle is that biotech industry shills are deliberately contaminating Chipotle's food with strains of e.coli in a malicious attempt to destroy both the reputation and finances of the Chipotle food chain. This act of bioterrorism is entirely consistent with the known behavior patterns of the biotech industry which, for example, engaged in illegal money laundering in Washington state in order to destroy the GMO labeling bill there.
The biotech industry not only sells deadly glyphosate herbicide poison that destroys human health (and contaminates ecosystems), it also uses its dirty money to financially influence academics http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=117&t=34669, journalists and lawmakers. Those individuals who don't fall into line with the biotech agenda are then treated to intense campaigns of defamation, slander, intimidation and threats to try to silence or discredit them.
And when that doesn't work, biotech industry operatives will literally engage in acts of terrorism like we're seeing right now with Chipotle. To understand the biotech industry, you have to first understand that these are truly EVIL people who have no ethical boundaries whatsoever. They will target and destroy any person, any institution or any public company that they see as standing in their way of total world domination over the seed supply (and hence the food supply). The idea that exposing the public to e.coli might be harmful to some people doesn't cause them to hesitate for even a moment. The more people get sick or die from their Chipotle operation, the better for biotech!
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