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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

4 Things You Can Do To Support Thyroid Health

4 Things You Can Do To Support Thyroid Health


The thyroid does things like secreting hormones and keeping your energy levels right where they should be; basically, it acts as the “leader” of the endocrine system. So, it goes without saying, if you keep your thyroid healthy, your body will thank you. But, remember the thyroid is vulnerable to environmental toxins like BPA and pesticides, among other nasties.

Things You Can Do to Support Thyroid Health

While there are some endocrine disruptors in our environment that you absolutely can’t avoid 100% of the time, there are a few measures that you can take to stack the deck in your favor. Here are just a few of the simple steps you can take to protect your thyroid health.

1. Drink Fluoride-Free Water

Fluoride was once prescribed as a remedy for an overactive thyroid. [1] It only takes a low dose (2 to 5 mg per day over a few months) to lower function, and that’s about as much fluoride already in the water supply we drink. Drinking fluoride-free water could lower your chances of developing an underactive thyroid by as much as 30 percent. [2]

2. Avoid Endocrine Disrupters

Phthalates are some pretty nasty toxins used to make plastic flexible, but they’re also used in some personal care products. As endocrine disruptors, phthalates can sabotage thyroid function. But pollution from phthalates can also be an issue, according to a recent study from China. Researchers in the study found two common phthalates in drinking water. [3] While avoiding endocrine disruptors is key, studies suggest adding turmeric to your diet could help the thyroid by soothing the irritation caused by them. [4] A liquid extract could provide an especially strong punch.

3. Go Gluten Free

Gluten contains a protein called gliadin. Since this protein isn’t found in our bodies, the immune system can attack it. Now, when someone has a gluten intolerance or worse thyroid issues can develop because, to the body, gliadin looks a lot like a necessary enzyme called transglutaminase. [5] Used to form chemical bonds, this enzyme is already found in high concentrations in the thyroid, so the immune system’s antibodies can actually attack the gland. [6] Eating a gluten-free diet could be a huge step in helping thyroid health.

4. Get Enough Iodine

Iodine helps the thyroid produce its two main hormones that are critical to the body’s metabolic functions. Since the body can’t produce iodine on its own, making sure you get enough is crucial. Because your only options are trace amounts in foods and a supplement, I recommend Detoxadine, an excellent nascent iodine option that will help support a healthy thyroid.

  • Detoxadine
  • $24.95
  • [Learn More]
  • Detoxadine is a high-quality daily iodine supplement that will supply you with your recommended daily allowance. Made from dietary transformative iodine in a bio-elemental nanocolloidal state, Detoxadine is gentle on your stomach and will not sting or burn when used externally.

Don’t Forget: Lifestyle is Key

Good thyroid health isn’t the result of just one thing; it’s a combination of good lifestyle choices and nutrition, and the 4 tips above should help you on the way to a healthy thyroid. Exercise and sleep are two excellent free methods that will help regulate thyroid health. Be sure to consume a healthy diet, mostly raw, to ensure intake of all vitamins and minerals essential for thyroid function. Read more

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