Zinc is an essential element and is required by all tissues and organs in the human body. It is directly involved with cellular metabolism, tissue growth, and enzyme activity. Zinc influences the release of hormones and the transmission of information along nerves. However, the body has no specialized zinc storage system and daily intake is required to maintain a steady state. There are a number of foods that contain zinc, including kidney beans, almonds, and cashews. Additionally, many rely on zinc supplements. Zinc orotate, used by Dr. Hans Nieper, is readily absorbed because it passes through cell membranes more easily than other forms of zinc.
A Brief History of the Invention of Zinc Orotate
Dr. Hans Nieper
Developed from the groundbreaking research of Dr. Hans Nieper!
Dr. Hans Nieper, a physician and experimenter, believed minerals in an orotate form pass through cell membranes easily without breaking apart and reach the areas where it’s needed most. The unique molecular structure of zinc ororate is able to penetrate tissue to act as a superior mineral transporter.
Zinc orotate was made popular as a supplement by Dr. Hans Nieper. The innovative German physician considered orotates to be superior to other anions as bioavailability enhancers for minerals like zinc. His belief was that neutrally charged orotate salts could easily pass through cell membranes, transporting mineral atoms into cells and cultivating higher tissue concentrations.
Research from Dr. Nieper has shown that zinc orotate, when compared to other forms of zinc, are more neutrally charged, a process that allows the zinc to pass seamlessly through the cell membrane. This allows the human body to receive the largest doses of zinc.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Zinc Ororate
1. Cell Regulation
Every cell in the human body has a headquarters, referred to as the nucleus. Each nucleus contains tens of thousands of genes that provide instructions for the way the cell behaves. Zinc is essential for reading genetic instructions. Zinc deficiency can lead to instructions being misinterpreted, or not interpreted at all.
2. Encourages Normal Blood Sugar
The pancreas produces a the hormone insulin; insulin is necessary to transport sugar from the bloodstream into cells. Without zinc, insulin response is reduced and unstable blood sugar may result.
3. Heightens Smell and Taste
Impaired sense of taste and smell are common symptoms of zinc deficiency. Why? Because the sense of taste is reliant upon a protein call gustin, which requires zinc in order to perform its task.
4. Immune Support
Many immune system cells require zinc to function normally. Zinc deficiency is known to affect white blood cell count and the subsequent immune response. Conversely, adequate zinc, through diet or supplementation, is known to promote normal immune response.
5. Promotes Normal Metabolism
Metabolism is the process in which the human body creates and uses energy, and it depends on zinc. Zinc deficiencies can cause metabolic rate to drop and it can affect the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, which is also necessary for normal metabolism.
What are the Benefits of Zinc Ororate?
- Supports the immune system.
- Promotes vision and normal eye function.
- Linked to a balanced mood and normal attention span.
- Potent antioxidant.
- Encourages normal hormone balance.
- Excellent nutrition for the liver.
- Essential for normal brain function.
We Asked Our Customers What They Like Best About Zinc Ororate
- "Protects against accelerated aging of the skin and muscles... In 1992, I slipped on ice and twisted my spine like a corkscrew in 3 places and have found zinc helpful with my healing recovery. I know that a zinc deficiency may have effects on virtually all parts of the human immune system." ~ Darcy
- "Surprised... I can see myself taking it for many years to come." ~ Bright Beryl
- "Highly recommend! I have taken half of my first bottle. I trust that this is supporting my physical body along with all the rest of the products I purchase from Dr. Group." ~Gretchen
Why is Zinc Orotate the Best Zinc Supplement Available?
- More bioavailable than other forms of zinc.
- Encourages the disposal of cellular waste.
- This zinc orotate formula is manufactured and carefully tested according to Dr. Nieper's precise specifications!
- Each bottle contains 100 tablets.
- Proudly made in the USA!
What are the Top 3 Questions People Ask About Zinc Orotate?
1. How common is zinc deficiency? By some estimates, over one quarter of the world suffers from zinc deficiency, even in industrialized countries. Indications include slowed growth, diarrhea, skin rash/lesions, hair loss, night blindness, loss of smell or taste, memory loss, and, in extreme circumstances, even death.
2. What can lead to zinc deficiency? Zinc deficiency is often simply the result of inadequate consumption, however, there are a number of digestive system ailments that can lead to it as well. These include irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatic disorders, and hampered digestion. Additionally, severe diarrhea, liver cirrhosis and alcoholism can impact zinc, and overall nutrient, absorption.
3. What relationship does zinc have with the cardiovascular system? Zinc orotate improves the energy status of heart tissue. It promotes normal lipid profiles and all around heart health. Read more