Iodine Supplements: The Three Best Kinds to Use
Iodine is essential for a vibrant and radiant body. It’s a key player in our DNA, it boosts our immune system, stabilizes our metabolism, and even assists with cardiovascular health. [1] Furthermore, it’s estimated that more than half of the US population suffer from insufficient levels of iodine. Iodine is a major contributor to the function of your thyroid gland, especially in the creation of T3 and T4 hormones, which are important for regulating your body’s metabolism. So what are some Iodine supplements available on the market, and how do they each stack up?
1) Transformative Nano-Colloidal Detoxified Iodine, or Nascent Iodine:
This is a consumable form of iodine that holds an electromagnetic charge . It allows for a larger release of energy once consumed, and is very similar to bio-available forms of iodine that are produced naturally in the thyroid gland. Because of this, your body is able to recognize and assimilate it very easily. Its unique structure and form allows it to travel through the body, quicker and easier than any other Iodine supplement available. Also, unlike all other liquid iodine supplements, it contains no alcohol in its solution.To me, this is by far the best iodine supplement to use and the one I recommend is the product Detoxadine.
2) Lugol’s Solution Iodine:
Contains 6.3 mg of molecular iodine/iodide per drop. This solution is one-third molecular iodine (5%) and two-thirds potassium iodide (10%). Studies show that the best form of iodine is one that includes molecular iodine (I2). It has been shown that breast tissue prefers this non-toxic mono elemental-based iodine. Lugol’s Solution has been shown to increase respiratory tract secretions and inhibit thyroid hormone secretion. One Malaysian study found that patients taking Lugol’s solution experienced a sharp decline in unwanted hormonal secretions during a period of ten days.
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