by: Isabelle Z.
sucralose, cancer, artificial sweeteners
Some people think that they can get away with using small amounts of harmful substances every once in a while, but a new study suggests that applying this approach to sucralose could give you cancer.
An Italian research study has linked the artificial sweetener Splenda, which contains sucralose, with a higher risk of leukemia and other cancers.
Sucralose is estimated to be as much as 650 times sweeter than table sugar by weight depending on what it is mixed into. It was approved by the FDA in 1998 in a limited number of foods and beverages before gaining blanket approval the following year.
Unlike many other artificial sweeteners, sucralose is soluble in both water and alcohol, which means it can be used in a broad range of foods and drinks. In 2011, sucralose made up 27.9 percent of the global high-potency sweetener market, which was estimated to be worth $1.146 billion.
Study shows possible link between sucralose and cancer
In the Italian study, the researchers divided 457 male and 396 female mice into groups receiving sucralose at 0, 500, 2,000, 8,000 and 16,000 parts per million (ppm) in their feed.
The rates of malignant cancer in the study's male mice rose with the amount of Splenda they consumed. The male mice that were fed 2,000 ppm and 16,000 ppm of the sweetener also had a much higher rate of leukemia.
The research team from the Ramazzini Institute wrote: "These findings do not support previous data that sucralose is biologically inert."
The researchers' findings prompted them to call for an "urgent" follow-up to investigate just how harmful the substance is.
The makers of Splenda, Heartland Food Products Group, have refuted the claim by casting doubt on the study's reliability. They claim that the researchers gave the mice doses of sucralose that exceed the acceptable daily intake for humans. Nevertheless, some researchers are quick to point out that the dosage is irrelevant.
Dr. Lisa Lefferts of the Center for Science in the Public Interest was quoted by the Daily Mail as saying: "Even if you consume less, that doesn't mean there's no problem. When something causes cancer at high doses, it generally causes cancer at lower doses, the risk is just smaller."
Just the latest in a long list of sucralose side effects
Sucralose consumption also reduces the body's beneficial bacterial counts, which can play a role in conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, allergies and gastric cancer.
A study by the Department of Internal Medicine at the Mercer University School of Medicine in Macon, Georgia, found a link between sucralose and migraines
Another study, which was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B in 2013, showed that sucralose can release cancer-causing dioxins in food when it is heated or baked. The study authors wrote: "Cooking with sucralose at high temperatures was reported to generate chloropropanols, a potentially toxic class of compounds. Both human and rodent studies demonstrated that sucralose may alter glucose, insulin, and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) levels."
Other artificial sweeteners are just as bad. Aspartame, one of the most popular artificial sweeteners in the world, was approved by the FDA more than 30 years ago under dubious circumstances. It can have serious adverse effects on the brain and body. The body converts it into formaldehyde, which can cause cancer.
In addition, a 2013 study in the journal Appetite showed that aspartame is actually even worse than sugar when it comes to promoting weight gain. Another study from the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine determined that the substance can boost appetite and sugar cravings by changing the body's natural production of hormones.
Food manufacturers will try to spin study results in a way that favors their products, but when it comes to artificial sweeteners, there really is no safe dosage. If you want to learn more about the toxic ingredients and contaminants in the US food supply, and what you can do to avoid them and bolster your health, check out Mike Adams' new book Food Forensics, in stores July 26, 2016.
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